Taking the Leap - Getting Treatment
So, you’ve decided to take the leap and talk to a professional mental health professional. Good for you. Here are some things to know to help you navigate the waters surrounding getting assistance. The stigma around formal help usually lies rooted in receiving a diagnosis and dealing with the prospects...
Communicating Your Mental Health Needs
So, you’ve taken the look in the mirror, and something isn’t quite right. Maybe you’ve noticed you have a short fuse, loss of interest in things you enjoy, an overwhelming feeling over hopelessness, exhaustion for no reason, or are just in a funk you can’t define. Recognizing these changes can...
Measuring Trauma
The firehouse is steeped in tradition, and patinaed in war stories. The one-upping can be profound at times. It’s always who’s had the worst or craziest call and all the details that go along with it. In this battery of embellishment, it can leave some with a sense of imposter...